Street Lanterns
Simon 0 Comments January 08, 2022
Dusk, that wonderful time of day where the day is coming to a close and the night is setting in. The sun is just barely above the horizon and the world takes on a beautiful shadow. All over the world, in the towns, villages, and cities the lamplighters are plying their trade.
Once the night sets in, the lanterns keep the dark at bay, or so they would have you believe. Their light also deepens the shadows. Nothing pleases the denizens of the dark more than the limited glowing orb of a lantern that lets them move in the void just outside the reach of their light.
Whether it's to brighten your dungeoneers paths or light the streets of your village, our street lantern set will bring that much need illumination to your encounter. Let your players seek shelter in their light, while their doom waits just beyond, in the shadows.
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